British Columbia Genealogical Society

The British Columbia Genealogist

Are you thinking of submitting an article for the BCGS e-journal?


The BC Genealogist is looking for submissions from authors in categories such as Feature Articles, "How-To" Articles, Historical Mysteries, and general genealogy-related submissions. Criteria for submissions are:
1. Author is currently a BCGS member.
2. Content is a unique tale, easily readable, with details of how you uncovered the answers to problems. Sources or endnotes may be included as needed.
3. Photographs, family diagrams or other illustrations will complement your story. These should be submitted separately as jpegs, tiffs or PDFs. Captions for pictures are helpful. Authors are responsible to ensure they hold copyright to any images submitted, or have the permission of the copyright holder to publish the image.
4. Entries will be between 500 and 2000 words (roughly two to six pages), and should be submitted in an electronic format (PDF, Word document) to the Editor at

Deadlines for Submissions:
March - due by February 15
June - due by May 15
September - due by August 15
December - due by November 15

Every issue of The BC Genealogist is available here - scroll down to select an issue of interest.

Tables of Contents for the first 50 volumes (about 200 issues) have been compiled and are available here in PDF format, which can be searched for keywords such as locations or surnames.

Copyright British Columbia Genealogical Society. For personal use only. These digital copies of The Genealogist are provided on the basis that they are made available only to the members of the British Columbia Genealogical Society and societies that have exchange agreements with BCGS. Permission is not granted for further distribution, in digital or printed format. Copyright of the entire journal, layout and content remains with the British Columbia Genealogical Society